
Managing your customer credit accounts

CMSA helps clients attain long-term receivable and profitability goals by managing and monitoring money owed to your business. As the leading provider of accounts receivables management in the plaster industry, CMSA has long-term client relationships through superior customer service, highly trained employees, and world-class processes and technology systems.

Your dedicated CMSA staff member seamlessly integrates into your team, serving as a specialized day-to-day receivables management department. A credit risk review is also undertaken of any customers trading outside of terms as and when required. In collaborating with our clients, we ensure the best results for your business.


Our Approach

All customers trading outside terms are contacted immediately for payment. Each client has a dedicated staff member to ensure a systematic approach to re-training your customers as to your expectation of payment.

CMSA receivables staff also listen to your customer, missing invoices are re-sent, issues with product notified immediately to the client ensuring any issues are dealt with in a timely manner so as not to impact or delay payment.

Reporting to clients is weekly, and we provide our clients with a detailed, true picture of each and every customer trading outside of terms. We ascertain why the account has not been paid, when the account will be paid and recommendations as to any further action that may be required.