Credit Risk

Identifying & effectively managing credit risk

Credit risk management is the process of identifying prospective credit risks within a business, before developing a strategy for managing these risks. More than protecting value, it involves creating value through viewing the process as a lever for enhancing efficiencies, building credibility, and achieving maintainable growth.

CMSA is a specialist risk, receivables management and debt collection company in your industry, assessing the creditworthiness of your customers and applying risk models that ensure you are aware of your customer’s ability to repay debts incurred.

Going into a credit arrangement knowing the risks associated protects your business from loss of profits, damage to reputation, and time with staff and management chasing debts instead of helping your business prosper.


The CMSA credit risk management process

At the outset, CMSA takes the time to create an in-depth profile of the business we are dealing with, as well as every individual customer of that company. This ensures seamless and informed communication for effective receivables management.

CMSA assesses all new credit applications for our clients to ensure that the risk is minimized in opening a new account. We systematically review each credit application, the individual applicant, and guarantors, ensuring opportunity for recovery is not affected.


When assessing credit, both commercial and consumer finance applications and credit risk is undertaken, all credit references checked and a data wash through CMSA’s extensive industry-based database is performed.

CMSA accesses full land title searches of properties that the applicant owns, when it was purchased, last borrowing, equity estimate and prior applications that could impact the equity position of the asset.

After reviewing the total credit application to ensure all areas are completed in full, dated, signed, and witnessed, CMSA then makes a recommendation to approval or non-approval of the application, together with a suggested credit limit.